Critical infrastructure is worth doing, but needs funding

As Congress debates the President’s proposed American Jobs Plan (AJP) and an infrastructure infusion, the National League of Cities (NLC) met with city leaders across the United States to ask one simple question: “What is your top infrastructure priority?”  

From the smallest to largest communities, every place has a story to tell, and Ready to Rebuild shows a range of transportation, water, broadband and workforce projects across the country from communities of all sizes. While projects are different, the message from local officials is the same: infrastructure is a job worth doing, but in most places, it’s now beyond what the local government can handle on their own. Far worse, the perpetual waiting game in Washington means the risk and consequences are building up to an emergency spill over point. Most local governments know exactly what needs to be done to fix their infrastructure, but they simply can’t afford it. 

Local governments are ready to rebuild and to make their cities better places to live. NLC will keep calling on Congress to directly invest in local infrastructure and prepare for a better future. Together, we can fix America’s infrastructure.   

Explore the projects through the interactive map below.