Resources & Training
Read the latest articles to stay well informed and up-to-date around current hot topics such as COVID-19, Race & Equity, Intergovernmental Relations, and so much more.
Stay informed even if you’re short on time. Check out our briefs that cover relevant topics in a digestible format.
Case Studies
Get real life examples of cities, towns and villages creating solutions and sharing outcomes to common problems.
View and download our resource guides to learn how to better your local city, town, or village. Ranging from the economic workforce to early childhood success, local leaders can find exactly what they need.
Each year, NLC releases critical reports such as the 2021 State of the Cities or City Fiscal Conditions report which aid local leaders in understanding what is happening in local communities across the nation.
Toolkits are great quick resources for local leaders and city staff to get a better understanding in how to address the needs of your local community.

Online Community & Discussion Groups
NLC’s dynamic online discussion groups allow you to build community, communicate with like-minded people, and collaborate with your peers. They’re your place for knowledge exchange, content curation, and idea incubation.
Become a member and start networking with fellow local leaders and build connections today.