Municipal and State leaders are presented with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform their communities thanks to historic federal investments in infrastructure, including those in the electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. Achieving the promise of such investments will require a skilled and ready talent pipeline to build the next generation of America’s transportation and mobility infrastructure.

To meet this opportunity, the National League of Cities and the National Governors Association have partnered to launch the State and Local Collaborative to Support an Inclusive Workforce for the Electric Vehicle Charging Sector (EV Workforce Collaborative) to help municipalities and states align policy and funding and develop accessible career pathways in the electrical mobility sector. The EV Workforce Collaborative will address three key challenges:

  • Policy Alignment & Funding: Accessing and leveraging federal funds and programs, and developing shared electrification vision, goals, and strategic plans.
  • Pathways Development: Developing consensus on skill needs as well as pathways towards family-sustaining jobs.
  • Career Accessibility & Talent Sources: Building better onramps by addressing non-skill barriers workers often face.

The EV Workforce Collaborative is organizing a National EV Workforce Taskforce of federal, state, and local stakeholders to provide insight and expertise that guide the direction of the working groups and support their efforts to develop initiative resources, as well as support state and local leaders in accessing and maximizing the impact of federal funding streams. This taskforce will engage government, industry, and workforce leaders to identify key opportunities, challenges, and resources to advance the goals of the Collaborative.

Get Involved

To get engaged with or support the EV Workforce Collaborative, please contact NLC’s workforce development staff.