Join NLC’s Cities of Opportunity as we share an exciting Requests for Proposal (RFP) for cities ready to lead transformative change towards equitable and healthy communities
This short 15-minute coffee chats to learn about an opportunity available to you, hear from CoO alumni, and have your questions answered.
Learn about the 2023 CoO Mayors’ Institute: October 11, 2pm ET
Learn more about the 2023 Mayors’ Institute on Advancing Community Revitalization to Improve Health and Equity. The Mayors’ Institute represents a unique yearlong opportunity for Mayors and their teams to take data- and community- informed action on infrastructure, planning, zoning and the built environment that advances health and equity. Applications open September 14th- November 4th. Letters of Interest due by October 21st.
The Cities of Opportunity initiative believes that city leaders have the power to bring about transformative change and reduce the health disparities in their cities that are impacting how well and how long their residents live. Acting on these disparities requires recognizing that their root causes lie in social, economic, and racial inequities, and that addressing these will require collaboration and partnership. Unprecedented levels of federal funding and new ways to use data have created an exciting window for action.
Now is the time for innovative approaches that align resources across issues and partners to deliver long-term solutions for addressing inequities so that all city residents have fair and equitable access to opportunities for good health, well-being, and long lives.
For questions, please contact Cities of Opportunity at CoO@nlc.org.