The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 expanded the Small Business Administration (SBA) COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (EIDL) to help small businesses survive through and recover after the pandemic. These loans have low, fixed interest rates, and payments are deferred for the first two years. City officials are critical to the economic recovery of their community, and this webinar provided an opportunity to learn about a tool for those efforts. It introduced leaders to EIDL and provided information to facilitate the application process for small businesses in their community. City leaders learned more about what businesses are eligible, the terms of loans, and how to apply to bring back to the stakeholders in their community.
- Clarence Anthony, NLC CEO and Executive Director
- Isabella Casillas Guzman, SBA Administrator
- Veronica Pugin, Senior Advisor to the Office of Capital Access, SBA
- Mike Wallace, Legislative Director, Housing, Community and Economic Development, NLC

Original event date: 11/05/2021