What Is the Future of Work in Cities?

July 21, 2017 - (2 min read)

From the agrarian societies of the 19th century to the modern digital workforce, the nature of our work and economy has always changed over time. These forces of change converge in cities, which act as epicenters of bold experimentation as well as unease about the future. Our newest video explores what might be ahead:

While fear about technology’s potential to take away jobs is nothing new, cities can be proactive rather than reactive in planning for a constantly-evolving economy. Local leadership is vital to creating an economy that works for everyone — one in which every resident has opportunities for economic mobility and the ability to make a decent living.

For more information, the National League of Cities’ 2016 report The Future of Work in Cities offers an in-depth examination of the societal shifts and advancements in technology that are impacting the rapidly-changing American workforce.

The report outlines solutions to help city leaders plan for the fast-approaching future, while forecasting the economic viability of two distinct sectors — retail and office administration — in which a quarter of Americans are currently employed.

Featured image from Getty Images.

About the author: Brooks Rainwater is the senior executive director of the Center for City Solutions and Applied Research at the National League of Cities. Follow Brooks on Twitter @BrooksRainwater.