
City Name: Madison, WI

NLC Partner: Accela

Problem: The City of Madison’s “Report a Problem” website is the unified face for residents to conveniently report over 30 different community and safety issues. The system worked, but Madison leaders needed more to make informed decisions. With no end-to-end digital tracking, officials were unable to optimize and monitor service delivery. 

Solution: The City partnered with Accela to upgrade Madison’s Report a Problem website. The project team converted the original forms to use Accela’s Service Request Management module, which now feeds requests into a predictable workflow for immediate assignment, ongoing status tracking, and reporting (including status updates for the original submitter). The team also produced communications materials to alert residents to the availability of this service and its value. 

Outcome: These enhancements streamline the intake process and centralize Report a Problem data for careful tracking, management, and reporting. This results in better and more consistent service to residents and businesses and allows the City to identify patterns of issues affecting the community so city resources can be used more efficiently and equitably.

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