SAFE place to call home is the starting point for well-being. Starting with a partnership with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on a national convening and a Mayors’ Institute on Housing, Hazards, and Health in 2016, the National League of Cities (NLC) has worked in support of cities who are addressing health hazards in residential housing. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of a safe, reliable, and affordable place to live. Launched in 2019 with support from The JPB Foundation, the Healthy Housing City Leaders’ Forum is NLC’s latest cohort-based work with six cities that have worked intentionally to advance healthy housing for their residents. Additionally, through the launch of our Healthy Housing Learning Lab, NLC has successfully cultivated on-going, peer led conversations among local leaders representing more than 50 cities. The following brief provides key-takeaways and lessons learned from this effort.