NLC Supports the American Rescue Plan Act and Urges Senate Passage of Critical Aid to Local Governments

March 4, 2021 - (1 min read)

Washington, D.C. – Following the Thursday’s vote in the Senate to begin its consideration of coronavirus relief legislation, National League of Cities (NLC) CEO and Executive Director Clarence Anthony issued the following statement: 

“Americans across the country have spoken, and the Senate now has the opportunity to deliver the relief that our communities have been calling for months. Seventy-seven percent of voters support delivering comprehensive COVID-19 relief, a figure that comes as no surprise to the local leaders on the front lines of protecting the health and safety of their residents every day. The longer Congress waits to deliver on their support, the more dire the situation becomes for millions of Americans who face evictions and foreclosures, food insecurity, unemployment, and who have lost loved ones as a result of the pandemic. 

“This sense of urgency fuels our calls to get the American Rescue Plan passed, and passed quickly. The livelihoods of our cities, towns and villages depend on securing the aid that our local governments need to fight back against COVID-19 and begin to rebuild our economy.” 


The National League of Cities (NLC) is the voice of America’s cities, towns and villages, representing more than 200 million people across the country. NLC works to strengthen local leadership, influence federal policy and drive innovative solutions. Stay connected with NLC on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.