KANSAS CITY, MO. — The Kansas Enrichment Network and Missouri AfterSchool Network held a statewide Municipal Summit on Afterschool and Expanded Learning today at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center in Kansas City, Mo. The Kansas Enrichment Network and Missouri AfterSchool Network were selected by the National League of Cities (NLC) as two of seven statewide afterschool networks (SANs) nationwide to host a statewide municipal summit. Mayor Sylvester “Sly” James of Kansas City, Missouri, and Mayor Peggy Dunn of Leawood, Kansas, hosted the event. NLC President Melodee Colbert-Kean, councilmember, Joplin, Missouri, delivered remarks and Reginald McGregor, director of Engineer Development, Rolls-Royce Corporation, provided the keynote address.
“Effective education goes far beyond the traditional classroom experience,” said Kansas City Mayor Sly James. “Afterschool and summer learning programs inspire learning and development outside of the classroom, and keep youth safe and engaged in positive experiences. As leaders in our communities, our support of these programs is critical for our youth’s educational success.”
This summit represented the first statewide convening of local elected officials focused specifically on the issue of afterschool. Kansas and Missouri were chosen to host this event based on demonstrated need and interest from their SANs and other education stakeholders and civic leaders. The summit brought together city leaders, state agency officials and school and community partners to focus on expanding afterschool opportunities for children and youth in the state.
The Kansas-Missouri Municipal Summit on Afterschool and Expanded Learning raised awareness of the critical roles municipal leaders can play to support afterschool; connected mayors with peers from across the states; highlighted successful approaches to building citywide systems of afterschool programming; engaged mayors in shaping state afterschool policies; and provided attendees with an opportunity to focus on developing strategic partnerships among city leaders, statewide afterschool networks and state agencies to advance local afterschool initiatives.
“Quality afterschool learning experiences help position youth for greater success in terms of knowledge, skills, health, safety, and college and career readiness,” said National League of Cities (NLC) President Melodee Colbert-Kean, councilmember, Joplin, Missouri. “These statewide municipal summits are an exciting vehicle to convene city leaders to learn about the importance and demand for afterschool programs, and what local officials can do to ensure access. Our cities depend upon the success of our youth, and we must do all we can to support them.”
Other state networks selected to host 2016 summits include: the Florida Afterschool Network, the Indiana Afterschool Network, the Kansas Enrichment Network, the Missouri Afterschool Network, the Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership and the Ohio Afterschool Network. The SANs are statewide organizations dedicated to improving policies, partnerships, funding and quality of afterschool opportunities. NLC has supported 19 state municipal summits over the past five years. All of the afterschool networks will partner with mayoral champions to host the summits, with support from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and The Wallace Foundation.
Click here to learn more about the statewide afterschool networks.
The National League of Cities is dedicated to helping city leaders build better communities. NLC is a resource and advocate for 19,000 cities, towns and villages, representing more than 218 million Americans. www.nlc.org
Press Contacts:
National League of Cities (NLC):
Indira Jimenez
202-626-3056 / jimenez@nlc.org
Missouri AfterSchool Network:
Casey Hanson
314-703-8126 / hansoncb@missouri.edu
Kansas Enrichment Network:
Bill Woodard
785-864-1680 (Office) / 785-840-4232 (Mobile)