COVID-19 has magnified the inequities that exist in all aspects of society from education, to the economy, to the digital divide, and much. more. For example, close to a quarter of all Americans (21 million people or 27%) do not have access to the internet with 58% of African Americans and 57% of Hispanic adults less likely to own a laptop/desktop or have high-speed internet. As a result, this has forced many mayors to institute solutions that solve this and other important technology gaps by further building out their smart city initiatives that impact everyone.
Join us on March 18 for a mayoral roundtable where we’ll discuss
- Use of technology to promote equity
- How the COVID pandemic has impacted efforts to close the digital divide
- Best practices in place by cities to address the digital divide
Registration ends on March 17.
Our Panelists
- Mayor Steve Benjamin, Columbia, South Carolina (Event Host)
- Mayor Steve Adler, Austin, Texas
- Mayor Sylvester Turner, Houston, Texas