With the 2020 election just around the corner, it is more important than ever to ensure cities, towns, and villages have a place at the table. In a time of deepening partisanship, for local voices to be heard and community issues to be amplified, NLC is proud to announce the latest resource of our Leading Together 2020 Cities Agenda.
We have launched the Leading Together microsite, highlighted by the downloadable nonpartisan Cities Agenda and four critical issue briefs that we can make the greatest impact on as a united nation. These four priorities – building sustainable infrastructure, creating a skilled workforce, ending housing instability and homelessness, and reducing gun violence – have been a feature of America’s agenda for years. When exploring the site, you will find a deeper look at the local leaders Task Force who put forth Leading Together, as well as a comprehensive list of actions and engagements to uplift your residents’ priorities in the national dialogue.
This capability is key. We NEED you to take action. From joining the conversation on social media to introducing a resolution in your city council, we are relying on YOU to help us beat the Leading Together drum this year. Check back in for more actions in the coming weeks and months – this initiative is about the activation of America’s communities and residents.
We are calling on presidential candidates to commit to the Cities Agenda and to working with local leaders on these critical issues in their first 100 days in office. In fact, last week, presidential candidate and former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg became the first candidate to announce his commitment to the 2020 Agenda. NLC will continue to call for commitments from all presidential candidates – we are counting on the next administration and Congress to work with every level of government to move cities, towns, and villages forward.
The Cities Agenda reflects an understanding of Americans’ top priorities and concerns. Together, we strive to lessen the partisan divide, strengthen collaboration between federal and local leaders and create solutions and policies that work for all communities. Join the conversation, take action, and help us build a nation that works for everyone.
About the Author: Joe Buscaino, councilmember, Los Angeles, currently serves as the president of the National League of Cities. Follow him on Twitter at @joebuscaino.