Crime prevention efforts require collaborative problem-solving and coordination of multiple community stakeholders. Data-Informed Community Engagement (DICE) is an evidence-backed model used by municipalities to identify priorities and implement community-led interventions that maximize existing local resources at the places that need them most.

Speakers will discuss how to turn data and analytics into ‘risk narratives’ that help community organizations connect situational contexts with crime patterns and spur prevention initiatives that meet community expectations. The purpose of the event is to spread awareness of the new model that is working to reduce crime in cities like Newark, Dallas and St. Louis. The content will be presentations from violence prevention specialists from cities like Newark, Dallas and St. Louis on how they are using the model to reduce crime.


  • Adriana Santos, Newark Public Safety Collaborative, Program Manager
  • Alan Cohen, Child Poverty Action Lab, Founder & CEO
  • Kevin Oden, Dallas Integrated Public Safety Solutions, Director